I cling to relationships for dear life, even the wrong ones… more
Why Loving with an Open Heart is the Bravest Thing We can Do.
Last year I chose to end my marriage…more
Dear little radiant self who has come into this world with so much… more
Here is the story, although I can’t speak for all, just most, that there is something we carry in us… more
An old friend of mine uses the analogy of a mixed bag to describe relationships…more
I had much trepidation about this trip—but as my best friend wisely told me, I owed this to myself…. more
Dear Little Girl, You are my heart and soul…. more
In all my years of dating, marriage, and then divorce (one month shy of my 28th birthday), I never stopped to think about how other women view love…. more
What do men really see when they tell a woman she is beautiful?…more
“Cry-baby.” Little boys hear these two heart-wrenching syllables as they grow to be men, and their ego and real emotions get suppressed… more
I was born an only child, so I guess you can say I came into this world as an introvert. Well, at least that is how I learned to get by for the past 35 years of my life… more
We can breathe deeply into knowing that the light always comes, and darkness will never – ever win…more
Sometimes life is about risking everything for a dream no one can see but you… more
Trust means many things… more
A man and a woman tell all about what they look for, how they love, and what they believe about love in their 30’s…more
We cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we are… more